Social Commotion: LinkedIn Post Changes, Shop Amazon on Facebook and Instagram & More

Welcome to the November 2023 edition of Social Commotion, Motion’s roundup of the latest social media news. Check out our top updates from this month.

LinkedIn Removes Carousels

In a surprising turn of events, LinkedIn announced this month that it’s removing all carousel posts, profile videos and in-image linking from its platform. This change will take effect on December 14.

The move is an effort to focus on more engaging and interactive content formats, such as videos and live stream. LinkedIn says that the changes will help simplify its platform and make it easier for users to find the content they are looking for.

You Can Now Shop on Amazon Through Facebook and Instagram

In a major move that could shake up the e-commerce industry, Meta and Amazon announced a partnership allowing users to shop Amazon products Facebook and Instagram without leaving the apps. Users who see products advertised on social media will be able to purchase them directly from Amazon without having to go to a separate website.

For Amazon, this is a major opportunity to reach new customers. For Meta, this is a new way to make more money from advertising. The partnership is still in its early stages, but it carries a lot of potential to be a major game-changer in e-commerce.

Instagram Rolls Out Option to Share Reels and Feed Posts With ‘Close Friends’ Only  

Instagram is now allowing users to change the audience for feed updates, including Reels, to “Close Friends” only. “Close Friends” is a list of up to 100 select users pulled from existing followers that you can share more private content with. Instagram is hoping this will be a new way to encourage and facilitate more enclosed and meaningful interactions within the app. 

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