James Hardie Building Products

A beautiful marketing backdrop to bring it all home.

the situation

For years, James Hardie relied exclusively on the contractor channel to sell its premium fiber cement siding to homeowners, but they discovered that contractors were frequently selling in cheaper products to more easily close the sale. So James Hardie came to Motion needing a plan to get more homeowners asking for their premium products by name.

the acceleration

The Motion team developed a multi-faceted push/pull strategy – including several game-changing firsts – that generated more RFQs in the first three months of the program than they had secured over the course of the entire previous year.

James Hardie had never marketed direct to consumer before. They were still using collateral written for the trade – materials that had next to zero resonance with residential homeowners. So, we began by giving homeowners something to dream about with James Hardie’s first-ever consumer-facing brand.

Motion created a direct sales initiative called The Ambassador Program – rolled out to 16 of their top-tier markets.

From the style and materials used to build the home, to the condition of the home’s entire exterior, James Hardie now had unprecedented, real-time analytics they could use to:

Pinpoint audience targeting

Personalize lead nurturing

Map cross- and up-sell opportunities

A game-changing custom app was developed to not only capture consumer information, but also collect street-level data on prospective homes.

PR and Social Media played a critical role as well:

National, regional and trade media relations
“Big Reveal” of local sweepstakes winner with mayor

the results

Motion delivered a smart lead generation strategy that forever changed the balance of power for James Hardie. More importantly, we’d constructed a program that has allowed them to realize exponential growth for 10+ years…and counting.

70% lift
in sales

26 days
new sales cycle, compared to 24 months

More RFQs
in the first 3 months than the entire previous year