Social Commotion: LinkedIn’s Algorithm Updates, Google Partners with Reddit & More

Welcome to the latest edition of Social Commotion, Motion’s roundup of social media news. Check out our top updates from the past month.

LinkedIn Indicates New Algorithm Changes

LinkedIn Editor-in-Chief Dan Roth revealed on Entrepreneur‘s “Problem Solvers” podcast that new content updates and strategic approaches may impact your platform strategy.    

First, LinkedIn is pivoting away from trend-chasing practices that are popular and effective on other social media apps. Instead, Roth envisions LinkedIn’s future as a platform where value is driven by evergreen content that helps users learn and discover economic opportunities.  

Roth indicated that LinkedIn users should focus less on trending topics, post timing and post length and concentrate on consistently sharing knowledge over time.   

LinkedIn is also de-emphasizing the “Read More” click as an indicator of engagement. The company intends to crack down on the clickbait writing style that requires users to click to reveal information hidden below the fold.    

Other upcoming updates may include:   

  • New CTA button options available for all user profiles, rather than only brands through the now-defunct “Creator View”   
  • Distancing from the term “creator” so professionals in industries like healthcare can use LinkedIn functions that better identify with their profession   
  • Expanded offerings when it comes to newsletters  

Google Gains Access to Reddit Data for AI Training 

Google has partnered with Reddit to gain access to its content through the Reddit Data API, allegedly worth $60 million annually. Google is paying Reddit for access to its publicly available content via an API to help train Google’s large language models (LLM).   

Google believes access to the Reddit Data API will “improve its products and services,” including “more efficient ways to train models.” How will this shake out?  

Some believe that Reddit is an imperfect sample for training artificial intelligence compared to literature or magazines. On a social media platform like Reddit, grammar is fast and loose, there are a lot of memes and inside jokes, it’s full of misinformation, and it’s predominantly male—just to name a few potential hazards.

Pinterest Publishes New Agency Guide to Pin Marketing in 2024

Pinterest released a 26-page magazine-style guide that shares how marketers can take advantage of Pinterest’s 23 trend predictions for 2024. Why listen to Pinterest? About 80% of the platform’s predictions have come true in the past four years.

“With 482 million users and rising, who all come to the platform with purchase intent, it is worth considering the potential of Pins for your marketing efforts,” says Social Media Today.   

From technical insights to case studies and more, marketers will find tips on how to leverage Pinterest trends to help guide their marketing strategies this year, including:

  • Pinpointing specific trends that strike a chord with your brand and target audience. 
  • Exploring the data behind trends. It might not be immediately apparent how certain trends apply to your clients, but exploring keywords related to the trends can spark creative, out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Learning about the new “Personas” tool, which can help you identify and target specific audiences engaging with each of the Pinterest Predicts trends.

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